I am not the type of person that makes New Year's resolutions. Mostly because I am not dedicated enough to follow through, so why try. Also because there is so much hype around it, it's kinda like Christmas and every other holiday that is commercialized. "New Year New You" take this weight loss pill, join this gym.. be a better you. Not that I have anything against any of those things; they are just not for me.
I don't recall the beginning of 2015 being different than that of any other year. I don't have a reason why and I don't remember anything happening around that time that would make me break my streak of non-resolution, but I did. This resolution is different though. It's not completely up to me to keep. I am sharing the responsibility with God.

By the end of the devotion, the author says... Don't worry if you don't feel as if you have received a word from the Lord. Just pick one and you will be amazed at the creative ways the Lord will work that word into your life. So I picked "Listen". I need help with this often. I know that I need to listen better to my kids and my husband and my family and to God. Not just a simple acknowledgement of what was said but really listening to the people in my life. I figured it was a good start. Picking that particular word was inspired by a scripture that I used to pray when I was a teenager (I still have it posted by my desk):
"The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning. He awakens my ear as the learned. The Lord has opened my ear." Isaiah 50:4
For as long as I can remember... that scripture has been my heart's cry. I want nothing more in the world than to hear the words of the Lord and to speak them. As with any new thing that I commit to the Lord, my imagination goes wild with the fantastic possibilities that could happen. Like a fire from heaven will come down and bestow upon me this gift of listening that will only be used for good and not evil.. a spiritual Daredevil. Yes, I know I'm a mess :D Anyways....

After I had settled on my one word, I started adding "listen" to my morning time with the Lord. At first, I was just asking the Lord to open my ears to listen. I decided that I needed to place around me reminders of what I am supposed to be focusing on. I changed the lock screen on my phone. I asked a few close trusted friends what they thought of when they imagined what the word "listen" looked like, then I painted that. One day while I was talking to the Lord, I felt like He said, "ok, now listen". When I stopped talking, I realized just how much I don't listen because my mind was racing everywhere. I couldn't get my mind to shut up long enough to listen to anything; I did my best to continue to practice being quiet and just listening throughout the day, man that's tough.

After that, I had a stronger passion and motivation to listen like that even more. I'd say quiet prayers asking God to help me listen to peoples' hearts. "Help me love, God, the way You do." "What are they really trying to say, God?" It hasn't happened quite like it did that first time again, but I have faith and all I can do is hope that just being open and willing to love with His love has done work in peoples' lives.
The second time I recall really listening was at church while we were praying for our neighbors. That was scary but good. I was doing my best to listen and pray what I felt like the Father wanted to say to my neighbor. As much as I want to speak His word, it scares the crap out of me. It's a heavy thing to speak for someone so holy. That's something I just don't want to mess up.
I somehow managed to let my focus slip sometime after that. I don't know why or when, just one day a few weeks ago, I got that nudge from the Holy Spirit reminding me of my decision to focus on one word. So now it's fresh on my mind again. Even if nothing else happens, I would definitely say this is one word that has changed my life. I am a little different, I am changing.. During the course of all this I gradually stopped taking the anti-depressant I was on, I've been better able to handle the stress in my life. You can't be touched by His love and remain the same. I truly believe it's been the result of being willing to be a conduit of His love and consciously spending more time listening to Him and being open to listen to the hearts of those around me. Now believe me when I say that I have failed spectacularly too. I am just thankful that I can ask forgiveness and move on, holding on to the good things and setting my eyes on the ultimate goal. Becoming more like my Father in heaven!
"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." -Hebrews 12:1-2