Monday, July 20, 2015

Bloggy Blog Bloggerton

I really like blogging.  I like that it can be about nothing or something.  Yet, I still struggle with what to write.  SO... I asked the opinions of friends on Facebook.  Suggestions were as follows.  Why do Monday's get a bad rap? Gorilla Dancing.  My Chickens.  Blogging.  Maybe a little of all the above.

Dear Monday, you are my Thursday this week,
so I am immune to your powers. Bring it!
Monday.  Apparently Monday has become a racial slur?  Where have I been? When did this happen?  This makes me sad; why do people have to ruin perfect proper nouns by turning them into insults?  Anyway, I saw a post today on Twitter that was pretty good. "Dear Monday, you are my Thursday this week, so I am immune to your powers. Bring it! -@DreamPharmD.  Monday's just happen to be the beginning of the week for most of us.  The first day back at work.  It is what you make it.  I believe that what you put out into your world is what you are going to get back (the law of sowing and reaping).  Approach a situation with a smile and get a smile back, the same is true in reverse.. There is no better way to ruin someones good mood than to treat them as if you expect the worse.

Dancing.  I can't.  I do but I probably shouldn't do it in front of other people; this hasn't stopped me.  Zumba with friends is always fun, line dancing at the Wild Horse (if you are reading this and recognize me, I apologize for stepping on you).  I am glad that I know my friends love me and also that I am willing to laugh at myself.  Otherwise dancing like an orangutan would destroy my self-esteem.  No seriously. This video could be me.  I am that friend.  I LOVE to DANCE though!!!!  I like to have fun, even though my rhythm rarely matches the music. I haven't been in a long time not even for exercise someone should take me out soon.

Chickens!  I love my chickens, in a strictly realistic way of course.  They stay outside (at least since they have been out of the brooder).  I like spoiling them with left over veggies, dried mill worms (thinking of doing crickets in the winter from a bait shop?) and letting them out to frolic in the yard and forage for clover.  They are very entertaining (they run like dinosaurs).  They are curious about everything and they are just like kids, in that they put everything in their mouth just to see what it's all about (including my love handles).  I have a few recent photos of my ladies, but I decided to get a new one just for this blog.  I went outside even though it is dark and they are up in their house for the night.  This is what I discovered. Why are they sitting on each other?  I have six chickens and it is 84 degrees outside.  I will have to research, this can't be healthy.  They are sitting on each other in that corner? Weirdos.

Blogging.  What can I say?  It is what the author makes it.  I try to make mine not only about me, but like me.  I hope that as you read you get a sense of who I am.  My blog is like me because I am not just one post.  Try to know me by reading one post and you won't get the whole picture.  I am quiet and loud, I am silly and serious, I am ordinary and unique. I will end this blog with the perfect video (as suggested by my mom).  It is the perfect combination of all parts of this blog!

Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive that is youer than you.
-Dr. Seuss