Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Steve Lane: State Senate - District 14

First, let me just say, especially if you read my blog often, that I am totally failing at the whole "I'm going to post at least one blog a month" thing.  I'm working on it.. one step at a time. Now on the to reason I'm writing...

My husband is running for a State Senate in Tennessee, District 14.  I am so proud of him.  When he ran for US House in 2014, I didn't know what to expect and let me tell you... it was super stressful for the family.  There has been some stress this time, but not nearly as much.  I think that it has some to do with the fact that I knew what to expect, but more to do with the scale of the race.  Steve does not have to cover nearly as many counties as last time.

The discussion that took place prior to Steve announcing that he would be running were much shorter than those that took place when he wanted to run for US House two years ago.  I can't help but support Steve's dreams, I love him.  It's more than just the incredibly disgusting amount of love that I have for him, I know his heart.  Not only does he truly have a passion for people, and wants what is best for them, he also has so many creative, new ideas to get things done within the realm of limited government, economic freedom, and individual liberty.

I believe in what Steve stands for and I believe that he will make a lot of positive change in our state and communities.  He recently released a VIDEO explaining why he is running for Senate.  I've teased that the only reason this video will do well is because I am in it, but in truth... the reason it will do well is because it is REAL, he is real.  I believe that people (including me) are sick of the fake, sick of the same old lies and excuses and pandering.  I believe that most of us are ready for some authentic change!

It would mean so much if you would check Steve out and see what he is all about.  He is open and honest and will answer any questions that you might have.  It would mean even more if you would support him in his efforts to be elected to TN, district 14, State Senate.

Primary election day isn't that far away and we have a lot of work left to do.

Steve can be reached through:
Twitter: @lanefortn