Honestly, I'm super nervous. There is so much that can go wrong. What if the market crashes again, and there are no more houses to build? What if we can't find work? What if something catastrophic happens that I haven't even thought of already? What if, What if, What if?? And here I am quitting a job that could carry us through a rough time. But the TRUTH is that none of the what ifs matter, they are worth a glance because it's always a good idea to be prepared, but they are not worth my time or worry. If I focus on the wrong what ifs, I will be stagnant and never move from the "security" of what I have now.
Our goals will take work. Our goals will take faith. I figure it's kinda like deciding to have a kid. Is there a good time? There's never enough money, our society seems to be declining at an ever increasing rate, and if you continue to look at the negative what ifs.... life may never happen. So, instead, what if because of this step of faith (scary as it may seem) we earn more jobs? What if our company grows because of my increased involvement and the skill that only I can provide? What if the customer service that I am able to provide makes happier clients, who then refer us to their friends? What if more time at home means my kids are better cared for and I am even more available to be a part of their lives? What if, I have time to learn new skills to not only take care of our baby company, but our family in ways that keep everyone more healthy?
I am choosing to focus on the positive what ifs. Do I know how all this is going to happen? NO, of course not. What I do know is that I feel very strongly that this is not a mistake. While in the process of making this decision, I've been reading about the life of Elisha (it has been a lifeline for me on several occasions this past month). In Chapter 3 of 2 Kings there is the story about the kings of Israel, Judah, and Edom fighting a rebellion. They find themselves in a desert with no water for their army. They call on Elisha who says, "...the Lord says, Make this valley full of ditches. For this is what the Lord says: you will see neither wind nor rain, yet this valley will be filled with water, and you, your cattle and your other animals will drink. This is an easy thing in the eyes of the Lord; he will also deliver Moab into your hands..." For the Israelites, this was an act of faith. God wanted them to dig ditches to be filled with water when there is no sign of rain. I'm sure they had what ifs, I'm sure some thought about the insanity of digging a ditch in the desert when they were already out of water. But they did it anyway, and they not only received the water, they also won the fight.
I need some 'water' in my life. I am believing that as I do the work of "digging ditches" God is going to fill them. I believe that even though taking the next step seems crazy, and could go horribly wrong (like digging a ditch in a desert) it is what I need to do to prepare for God's blessing in our lives.