I am still worried. Don't get me wrong. I am not worried about him or that he can do the job. I have complete faith in that. I am worried about me. I am worried that it is going to change me. Change us. It's only been a month and I am having a hard time with the late nights and the time that he has spent away from us. In so many ways I feel like I am a single mom again.

I have tried to manage my expectations by just assuming that he is always politicing and that I can't depend on him to be around. That works for planning and I am definitely less mad at him. It doesn't help that I don't understand politics. What could they possibly be talking about this late at night? I am pretty sure they aren't making donor phone calls... they do want to win. I can't think of anything more annoying that getting a late night phone call from a politician, most people don't even wanna talk to telemarketers late at night and I am pretty sure that politicians are more disliked than telemarketers... scary. This is what my husband wants to do. Whatever.
What I really hate... is the unexpected. Especially when we have been home for a while, not like we are doing anything spectacular. Just enjoying being home. Everyone just chillin out. Then BOOM. He has to go. Just got a meeting with "someone" I have no idea who these people are. Emergency conference call. Or whatever whatever. When my expectation is that I am going to be able to spend the night cuddling with my husband... and he suddenly has to go.. I know that he is going to be out late. Neither Steve or Matt (his campaign manager) know how to shut up. Do you blame me for being mad? Sometimes a girl just needs a little uninterrupted attention.
I probably shouldn't even write any of this. But I am very upset, and I can't sleep because tonight is one of those unexpected nights. I couldn't stay quiet and fought with him as he walked out the door to his "had to be in person" meeting with Matt.
I am sure that I will get over this. It will all work out; I am worried that harder times are coming. I know that he is working hard. What I feel right now... is that when this is all over... Steve owes me BIG.
All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you'll be quite a lot!
-Dr. Seuss-