Thursday, December 18, 2014

Why the Nativity Gives Me Hope


 The last several months have been difficult for us.  Steve had been looking for a job.  I worried about how we were going to pay the bills, about how we were going to get Christmas presents for the kids, about food, and ........ everything.  It was exhausting.  But when I would come before Jehovah Jireh, my provider, my Lord, all of that disappeared.  You see, I have seen my God provide for me.  He has done it over and over and over again.  I know better than to worry, but I do.  Daily I would talk to my Father about our situation and He would give me peace and remind me of all the times He came through for me.
                (fun side note)
He even provides the silly things.  I was in high school when my journey with the Lord started.  My senior year for my birthday, I asked Jesus for a rose.  I didn't tell anyone else about my request.  I wanted it to be just from Him.  At the time, we had a sad sick rose bush outside the our door.  I thought that maybe in answer to my prayer He would make the rose bush to bloom just for me.  My birthday rolled around and I stepped out of the house to go to school with so much anticipation of what I KNEW was going to be waiting for me; when the sight of the same sad sick bush that had always been there greeted me, I was so heartbroken.  I hated that bush.  I was in a bad mood all day at school.  Towards the end of the day I was called to the office, I figured it was because of one of my siblings.  I walked in and the student aid said some guy named (Hey-sus) dropped these off for you.  I said who is (Hey-sus)?  It didn't hit me until I read the card attached to a beautiful display of peach colored roses (my favorite), It was signed... Love, Jesus.  Yes I am slow.  Yes He is amazing!  Not only did Jesus answer my prayer, he gave me more than I had even thought of.  I had never received flowers at school, and this was such and amazing display of love that I could not keep the tears from my eyes.

     All of us are waiting on something.  We wonder if He has forgotten us.  God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we think He will.  We get upset because things don't happen when or how we want them to.  We cry and shout and shake our fists in anger at the sky, thinking that He never heard us or He did but doesn't care.  Yet this could not be further from the truth.  God promised a savior through Isaiah.  God's people thought that their savior would come in the form of a king a warrior, someone that would deliver them from oppression.  The fulfillment of that prophesy came about 700 YEARS later!!  in the form of a baby.  Jesus was born surrounded by stinky animals, I'm almost positive that is not how even Isaiah imagined God would fulfill His word.

     Christmas is my favorite holiday.  I love the joyful songs, the decorations, and the promise.  The nativity scene reminds me that God is faithful.  He always answers prayer.  He has perfect timing.  While you wait for God, let the birth of Christ encourage you.  He hasn't left you, and he is working (even when you don't see it) for your good.

"Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, the Savior promised long; Let ev'ry heart prepare a throne, and ev'ry voice a song.  He comes the broken heart to bind, the bleeding soul to cure, and with the treasures of His grace to enrich the humble poor." -Phillip Doddridge