Saturday, January 24, 2015

Babies, Volcanoes, and Jesus

Last year, all three of the girls told me that they had tried out for the P.E.A.K team.  PEAK is a youth missions team; PEAK stands for Putting Everything Aside for the King.  Rachel was the only one to make it on the team, she was so excited.

I wasn't quite prepared for the kind of commitment that it was going to take for Rachel to be a part of this team; she was though.  The kids go through months of preparation.  Several hours each week are spent as a group learning songs and dances, prayers and memorizing verses, so they are ready to minister to people.  They keep prayer journals and have accountability partners and learn to work as a team.  I saw Rachel grow so much in those months, but nothing was so good as seeing the change that came after the trip.  It was the first time that she had been away from home and parents for longer than a day or two.  She went to Guatemala and ministered to the people there.  I knew that she was fulfilled and her heart was overflowing with joy when I received the photo of her holding a baby.  Rachel LOVES babies.  She told me stories about how she and her team were able to play soccer with some kids, they were able to visit some of the beautiful country, and experience and see things that you just don't normally see in the US.  They even took a day to go zip lining over a forest and got a beautiful view of a volcano.

Rachel came home different.  She had seen how people live in a different part of the world.  She grew up a little bit.  She gained confidence and and a new perspective.  I am so proud of her and who she is growing up to be.

Now, this year, it is Alisa's turn.  Hannah and Rachel are too old for the P.E.A.K team, so Alisa is the only one that tried out this year.  I do not remember many times that Alisa has been so excited.  I had to stop her from telling everybody until the whole team was informed which members had made it.  It is a lot of commitment to make for a 10 year old girl.  Alisa is already so determined and I can't wait to see the kinds of changes that happen in her as she follows her heart to the orphanages of Haiti.

We need to raise some money to get Alisa to Haiti.  If you would like to help out, you can do so in several ways.

1. Visit her GoFundMe (page no longer active) page and make a donation!!!!
2. Share this blog.
3. Pray for Alisa and the members of the P.E.A.K. team

Thanks so much for your support and prayers.  Not only are you helping change the life of my little girl, but many lives of the children in the orphanages where she will be able to minister.

P.E.A.K Ambassadors

I BE as much like Christ as possible
I DO what Jesus would do
                                     I MUST because their life depends on it.