Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Little Ladies

We are raising backyard chickens!!!  Steve mentioned raising chickens in passing one day and I really gave it a lot of thought.  That would be pretty cool.  Fresh eggs, compost for the garden, nifty new pet that creates its own worth.

Then the obsession started.  I did about a week's worth of Internet research.  I found books on my Kindle to read about raising chickens.  What do they need, how do I get this started, what would be best with kids, what about the dogs...

Steve went and picked up some chicks at tractor supply and when I got home from class I got to set up the brooder and put the chicks in.  SO MUCH CUTENESS.

I had to give one of them a bath because she was having an issue with pasting up.  So cute. She hated it though.

I am way more excited about this than I should be.  It's not like I have a lot of extra time.  I know they won't stay all cute and little like they are right now.  I even started calling them "my little ladies".  This will definitely be a new adventure for me.  The kids are excited too.  They have been picking them up and petting them and helping me take care of the little chicks.  We got some great advise from a good friend that the chickens would be tamer if we raised them from chicks.  So here we are with little chicks in the house for at least 2 months, when we can then let them live in their coop full-time.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, But why it crossed, I've not been told! -Dr. Seuss-