Sunday, August 14, 2016

Last Semester

School is about to start for me again.  This will by my last semester! I will graduate with my Associates in Biology in December!  My two year degree has taken me about 4 years to complete.  I am ever so thankful for the support that I received from my family while I studied.  There have been so many times throughout the years that I have felt like (and probably have) ignored my kids and my husband.  I thought briefly about not even finishing when I decided NOT to continue on to pharmacy school.

I decided about a year ago that I didn't really want to be a pharmacist.  I see what the women I work with go through on a daily basis, I do not want that kind of stress.  It might seem weird to some that I spent all this time on a degree that I plan on doing nothing with, but I feel accomplished.  Having a college education is something that I never thought that I would have in my adult life.  Now, not only have I proven that I can do anything, but I have also shown my kids that I can do anything I set my mind to do.  The kids are the reason that I decided to finish getting my degree.  They saw me start college and I want them to see me finish.  I want them to see my walk across the stage and receive my diploma.

My desires for life and how I want to spend the rest of my days has changed so much in 4 years.  4 years ago had you asked me where I saw myself in 5,10, 20 years... I probably (definitely) wouldn't have said on a farm.  That is exactly where I want to be though.  I know nothing about farming.. I kill most every plant that I touch (except basil), and I have never raised a goat, pig, sheep or rabbit.  Yet the desire to have a farm is so strong that its all I think about most of the time.  When I Pintrest, it's about how to run a homestead, how to be self-sufficient, how to preserve food, and the perfect farm house.  I'm ready for that part of my life to start, but first I have to concentrate on ending this part.