Imagine considering every moment as a potential time of communion with God. By the time your life is over, you will have spent six months at stoplights, eight months opening junk mail, a year and a half looking for lost stuff, and a whopping five years standing in various lines."God, examine me and know my heart; test me and know my nervous thought."- Psalm 139:23
Why don't you give these moments to God? By giving God your whispering thoughts, the common becomes uncommon. Simple phrases such as "Thank you, Father," "Be sovereign in this hour, O Lord," "You are my resting place, Jesus" can turn a commute into a pilgrimage. You needn't leave your office or kneel in your kitchen. Just pray where you are. Let the kitchen become a cathedral or the classroom a chapel. Give God your whispering thoughts. (excerpt from "Just Like Jesus" via Grace for the Moment: July 2 devotion)
This was my devotional for today, and I felt it was too good not to share. I struggle with this. I should clarify, I struggle to do this daily. I go through spurts of giving these extra moments to God, especially in times of great stress. This is the sort of thing that I long to be better at. I want to give all of my moments to Jesus.
I thank you Lord for these and for every everyday moment. Thank you Father, for my family, my life, and my every moment. Help me to give them all to you.