I can see the value in the rules and format for writing in this style, but change is hard. I know that in work situations I fight change that the company forces on us. Yet once I get used to the new rules and see how it has actually made my work experience easier, I wonder why I fought in the first place. Learning all the rules and formats will not be easy, at least I have a guide to go by. From what I understand so far, these rules are in place to help minimize plagiarism and they make the paper easier to read. The rules also allow for the author to give credit where it is due.

Over the summer, while learning about biology from Mr. Carlisle, he said something that caught my attention, "The universe tends to move from order to chaos as part of the natural workings of things, due to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Without a constant input of energy things move from orderly to chaotic". Like a kids room, unless there is constant work to keep the room clean it quickly becomes messy (1).
There have been rules and formats, to follow since the beginning of recorded time. Rules give us boundaries and help us keep the chaos in order. Could you imagine what it would look like if there was no law? No rules, no checks and balances. Consider MySpace.. you could do whatever you wanted to your profile. You could have a black background with black font if that's how you wanted to express yourself. The problem, no body else would be able to see the expression of you. And what is the point of expression if we can't affect those around us? Often formats help to guide us so that our "voice" can be heard and understood clearly by others.
So do the rules hinder creativity? Not to those who are creative. I believe that creativity always finds a way. It has a way of seeping out, testing boundaries and challenging us to look for better ways, or modification of the rules as the world changes around us. Still, we must be careful, there are some things that need to stay in the fence.
"He should not be here.
He should not be about.
He should not be here
when your mother is out!" -Dr. Seuss
1.Carlisle, William F. "Entropy Discussion." Radio. June 2013.