Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Disturbingly Beautiful?

The day began like any other.  My alarm going off just as Steve was leaving the house for work.  I needed to get out of bed and get the kids moving so they weren't late for school.  Steve grabbed the trash on his way out the door, but he came back in and asked me to bring my phone cause he knew that I would want to take a picture.  He said that I had to come see this.
  Dangling from our garage was a pair of entangled slugs. GROSS, as if one slug isn't gross enough.. These two were spiraled around each other with what looked like slim dripping from their heads.  I was pretty sure they were mating, yet when I went back to investigate later.. there was no evidence of an egg. Weird.

I posted a collage of the pics I took and found that most people think slugs are disgusting.  I don't blame them.. ewww. They crawl around leaving a trail of snot, and as far as I know they don't really serve a greater purpose.  From what I have read so far they are considered a pest, destroying crops of strawberries and such.  It makes you wonder.. why? why mosquitoes and slugs and other various species that aren't "essential" to the circle of life?  I still don't have an answer to that one. Maybe I am not looking hard enough.

I did, however, research enough to confirm my suspicions that the slugs were in fact mating.  From what I have read, I learned that slugs are hermaphrodites.  Confusing!?!  Wouldn't that make them asexual?  Apparently not.  And that little ball looking thing at the bottom, it's not an egg.  Still not really sure what it is.. I am assuming that it is the visible exchange of sperm?  I haven't found any research that is that specific, again with the not looking really hard (I know.. lazy).  Honestly my curiosity has been satisfied, and I wanted to share this insight with you.  I know you're Overjoyed!  -insert maniacal laughter-

While searching for answers as to why these slugs were performing sordid acts on my garage, I found this video.. interesting.  Plus I like the narrators voice, it reminds me of when I was little and nothing was on TV except animal documentaries on PBS.. Enjoy!

Think and wonder, wonder and think -Dr. Seuss