Tonight we went to a chili dinner as part of Steve's "retail" campaign. Don't ask me what retail campaigning is because I don't know (this is just what I heard him call it). The gymnasium of the school the rally was held at was packed with people. It seemed everyone was having a good time eating and socializing. They had chili dinner for everyone and a gospel band singing. The main candidate gave his speech and then let any other candidates who were running for office announce themselves. Steve got up and spoke a little bit then started introducing himself around the room.
I am not comfortable doing this. What do I do with myself? I can't inject myself into any conversation because I have no idea what they are talking about. Talking about the weather doesn't feel appropriate, besides I really hate small talk. I can't just hang on his arm and smile, I am more than arm-candy (Ha!). I've really got to work on my communication skills. I'm jealous of my husband. He can walk in to a room and talk to anyone about anything. He is genuinely interested in what people think and what they have to say.
Steve appreciates me coming to events with him and he is proud to be seen with me. He likes that I am next to him when we meet people. For myself, I'd like to be able to go to these meetings and have fun meeting people because that is what it is all about right? I love standing next to the love of my life and watching him do what he is best at (talking lol), but I also want to feel like I am an equal part of him and contributing in some way. I think that I will be making a concentrated effort to just talk to people. Maybe I will start at work with the patients that come to the pharmacy and practice small talk even though I really really really hate small talk. And if that fails, maybe I will just start taking selfies with politicians unknowingly photobombing in the background.. it would make for some interesting posts anyway.
Overall I had a decent time tonight. Steve is working so hard, I am so proud of him. Every day that goes by, I just see more and more potential and momentum building for the campaign. I really think he has a shot at winning and I'm not saying that just because I love him.