Monday, November 23, 2015

Dear Patients,

Retail pharmacy, and most all medical fields, is an interesting and sometimes frustrating balance in giving a patient what they want while giving a patient what they need.  We have to walk a fine line between law, customer service, and insurance regulations.  Our society has become one of convenience and quick fixes.  Patients have come to expect that kind of convenience from their pharmacy.  Even though some pharmacies have drive-up windows, patients should not expect the process to work like McDonald’s.  If McDonald’s messes up your order, it’s very unlikely that you will die; this is not the case for a pharmacy.  Our job is difficult and is only made worse by patients who do not take responsibility for their own life or health care. 
            Refills are listed on the prescription label.  The label will also list an expiration date.  If your refills are denied by the doctor, or just have not been called in, it is your responsibility as the patient to call the doctor and ask why.  The pharmacy handles thousands of prescriptions a week; we do not have time or man power to call you personally when you are out of refills or to remind you to go to the doctor for a check-up.  If you notice that your prescription is about to expire or is out of refills, you should call your doctor.  Your doctor essentially works for you, they are more likely to listen to the request of their patient than that of a faxed notice from the pharmacy. 
Retail pharmacy and the invention of the coupon incentive programs have caused endless problems for pharmacy staff.  Transfers require one pharmacy to call another pharmacy and relay important information about a patient’s prescription.  Most people have more than one prescriptions and in the case of transfers between pharmacies, the larger the number of transfers at one time increases the number of mistakes that can be made.  If you must move your prescriptions, move them as you need them instead of as one large order.  We realize that this is inconvenient but it decreases the chances of error, making is safer for you.  Look at the prescription before you leave the pharmacy counter and ask questions about your new medications. Most importantly, know what medications you are taking, be involved in your own health care.
            Pharmacies don’t like to be rushed; it is important to us that we get your prescription right.  There is a process that insures the patient gets the right medication, this process takes time.  Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on our part.  Are you going on vacation?  Please give the pharmacy more than a day, we can help you if we have time.  No birth control pill because you are due for an appointment? “If I get pregnant, I’m bringing the baby to you” isn’t a response that is going to get you what you want.  Please, call your doctor, make an appointment, and they will probably give you enough medication to last until your scheduled appointment.  Are you coming to the pharmacy right before we close?  We understand emergencies but please help us out by bringing the prescription that the doctor wrote you last week a little sooner than five minutes until close.
           All of these scenarios and more can be prevented with a little understanding and patient’s taking responsibility for their own care.  We, the pharmacy staff, are there to help you navigate the confusing insurance, the doctor’s notes, and the medication you’re not really sure about.  We are gracious and forgive the lack of understanding some patients have; it’s the lazy patient that frustrates the most.  Help your pharmacy staff give you the best care possible by being a part of the process rather than treating us like a fast food restaurant.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Sometimes Scholar

Emerson, in the American Scholar, makes a distinction between the scholar (Man Thinking) and a mere thinker, or worse, the parrot of other men’s thinking.  This contrast can be seen on college campuses and schools across the United States.  There are students who strive to learn at every opportunity and those that merely repeat what they memorized from their teacher/book/peer.  The question is, whose responsibility is it to make sure these creative, ever-learning, original thinkers exist?
                During my second semester of college, I encountered the first teacher that really made me think.  She incorporated many of the characteristics that Emerson mentioned in the American Scholar; she created an environment that fostered creative learning.  I was to write a paper after sitting outside for about an hour, the subject had to come from the nature I experienced in that hour.  Another assignment was writing a paper based on Jonathan Swift’s “Modest Proposal”, I was to write a proposal that was original to solve a problem in the world as I saw it.  These assignments and many more like it from this particular teacher were challenging at the time, but because of them I grew as a student and gained more confidence for other assignments.
                In contrast, my US Politics, History, and Psychology classes were not as engaging.  I would be hard pressed to tell you more than 3 things that I learned from those classes.  I am a good student with a decent memory, so I received excellent scores in all of these subjects.  The reason that I cannot recall any information, in my opinion, is that I am also good at forgetting what I don’t use or care about.  There was more work to do in these online classes than in the aforementioned English class in many ways, but I did not retain any of it.  I remembered enough to take my test, then moved on, leaving the knowledge behind.  I had all the resources I needed to learn and retain; the fault for that loss of information is mine.

                I have given you two examples from the same college experience, one of an American Scholar as Emerson describes and one of just a mere thinker.  My college experience has been one of learning not only about the subject matter presented to me, but of personal growth.  I am learning who I am, what I can do, and where I can improve.  My personal belief is that the responsibility of a person’s college experience rests mostly on them.  I think that it is the teacher’s job to facilitate an environment of learning, but it is up to the student to learn.  Emerson describes a person who is always learning; a man who goes beyond the classroom and lives life creative and curious and thoughtful.  I am the American Scholar, sometimes.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Freeloading Slackers

We got an egg!  I have been checking the coop every day since they were about 5 months old.  Steve tried to give them "pep" talks, which really amounted to him berating my chickens for being slackers and free loaders.  Then finally, three days ago, I found an egg.  It was soooo tiny, and cute, and brown.  I think the chickens knew that I took it.  They followed me around all day long, every time I walked anywhere they followed.  This is unusual behavior for my chickens.  They like to be their own birds and do their own thing.  Thankfully, I am pretty sure they are unaware that I ate it.  It was weird.  I kinda felt bad that I was eating the creation of my pet chicken.  I fried the egg just the way I like it, took a moment of silence, then I ate it.

I am sure if I did a chemical analysis of my backyard, free range chicken egg, I would find that if is far more nutritious than a store bought commercial farm egg; honestly though, my tastebuds couldn't tell the difference.  Steve pointed out that that was the most expensive egg I will probably every eat.

So far, that has been the only egg.  It's been three days and still nothing more.   Maybe they do know that I ate it and they went on strike?  

Monday, July 20, 2015

Bloggy Blog Bloggerton

I really like blogging.  I like that it can be about nothing or something.  Yet, I still struggle with what to write.  SO... I asked the opinions of friends on Facebook.  Suggestions were as follows.  Why do Monday's get a bad rap? Gorilla Dancing.  My Chickens.  Blogging.  Maybe a little of all the above.

Dear Monday, you are my Thursday this week,
so I am immune to your powers. Bring it!
Monday.  Apparently Monday has become a racial slur?  Where have I been? When did this happen?  This makes me sad; why do people have to ruin perfect proper nouns by turning them into insults?  Anyway, I saw a post today on Twitter that was pretty good. "Dear Monday, you are my Thursday this week, so I am immune to your powers. Bring it! -@DreamPharmD.  Monday's just happen to be the beginning of the week for most of us.  The first day back at work.  It is what you make it.  I believe that what you put out into your world is what you are going to get back (the law of sowing and reaping).  Approach a situation with a smile and get a smile back, the same is true in reverse.. There is no better way to ruin someones good mood than to treat them as if you expect the worse.

Dancing.  I can't.  I do but I probably shouldn't do it in front of other people; this hasn't stopped me.  Zumba with friends is always fun, line dancing at the Wild Horse (if you are reading this and recognize me, I apologize for stepping on you).  I am glad that I know my friends love me and also that I am willing to laugh at myself.  Otherwise dancing like an orangutan would destroy my self-esteem.  No seriously. This video could be me.  I am that friend.  I LOVE to DANCE though!!!!  I like to have fun, even though my rhythm rarely matches the music. I haven't been in a long time not even for exercise someone should take me out soon.

Chickens!  I love my chickens, in a strictly realistic way of course.  They stay outside (at least since they have been out of the brooder).  I like spoiling them with left over veggies, dried mill worms (thinking of doing crickets in the winter from a bait shop?) and letting them out to frolic in the yard and forage for clover.  They are very entertaining (they run like dinosaurs).  They are curious about everything and they are just like kids, in that they put everything in their mouth just to see what it's all about (including my love handles).  I have a few recent photos of my ladies, but I decided to get a new one just for this blog.  I went outside even though it is dark and they are up in their house for the night.  This is what I discovered. Why are they sitting on each other?  I have six chickens and it is 84 degrees outside.  I will have to research, this can't be healthy.  They are sitting on each other in that corner? Weirdos.

Blogging.  What can I say?  It is what the author makes it.  I try to make mine not only about me, but like me.  I hope that as you read you get a sense of who I am.  My blog is like me because I am not just one post.  Try to know me by reading one post and you won't get the whole picture.  I am quiet and loud, I am silly and serious, I am ordinary and unique. I will end this blog with the perfect video (as suggested by my mom).  It is the perfect combination of all parts of this blog!

Today you are You, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive that is youer than you.
-Dr. Seuss

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

If A Tree Falls In The Woods...

I don't remember who said it to me as a kid.. but I can remember hearing the phrase "I know you heard me, but were you listening?"  At the time that really confused me.  Obviously I wasn't listening or I would remember who said it to me.  I looked up the definitions for hear and listen when I started this post.  The definitions are very similar, the significant difference between the two is that listening requires your attention.  This is something that I have learned before but living it in my heart has been an entirely different experience.

I am not the type of person that makes New Year's resolutions.  Mostly because I am not dedicated enough to follow through, so why try.  Also because there is so much hype around it, it's kinda like Christmas and every other holiday that is commercialized.  "New Year New You" take this weight loss pill, join this gym.. be a better you.  Not that I have anything against any of those things; they are just not for me.

I don't recall the beginning of 2015 being different than that of any other year.  I don't have a reason why and I don't remember anything happening around that time that would make me break my streak of non-resolution, but I did.  This resolution is different though.  It's not completely up to me to keep.  I am sharing the responsibility with God.

So, here's what happened.  I was bored and looking for a new devotion (YouVersion) to do in the mornings when I came across "One Word That Will Change Your Life".  I thought why not...(I was skeptical, how can one word change your whole life) I wonder what this one miraculous word is.  Turns out the devotion is about making resolutions (kinda).  The author of the devotion shared that they had started choosing just one word a year to focus on each year.  After reading the first days devotion, I was hooked.  I wanted a word.  But which one?  I prayed and asked God which word I should choose.  I didn't hear anything.  Now what?  How am I supposed to focus on just one thing if I don't have one word? I kept reading the devotion, hoping that I would get some inspiration.  There are so many words to choose from.  Patience? Um... no I don't think I am strong enough to pick that word.  Compassion? Hope? Faith? Joy?  All good words, but still no clear direction.

By the end of the devotion, the author says... Don't worry if you don't feel as if you have received a word from the Lord.  Just pick one and you will be amazed at the creative ways the Lord will work that word into your life.  So I picked "Listen".  I need help with this often.  I know that I need to listen better to my kids and my husband and my family and to God.  Not just a simple acknowledgement of what was said but really listening to the people in my life.  I figured it was a good start.  Picking that particular word was inspired by a scripture that I used to pray when I was a teenager (I still have it posted by my desk): 

 "The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary.  He awakens me morning by morning.  He awakens my ear as the learned.  The Lord has opened my ear." Isaiah 50:4

For as long as I can remember... that scripture has been my heart's cry.  I want nothing more in the world than to hear the words of the Lord and to speak them.  As with any new thing that I commit to the Lord, my imagination goes wild with the fantastic possibilities that could happen.  Like a fire from heaven will come down and bestow upon me this gift of listening that will only be used for good and not evil.. a spiritual Daredevil.  Yes, I know I'm a mess :D  Anyways....

 I am 6 months into this thing and two significant things, I'm aware of, have happened.  Though, admittedly I have kinda lost focus over the last few months or so.  I got a gentle reminder to get my focus back on course, thus the blog.  Plus, this is a good check point.  

After I had settled on my one word, I started adding "listen" to my morning time with the Lord.  At first, I was just asking the Lord to open my ears to listen.  I decided that I needed to place around me reminders of what I am supposed to be focusing on.  I changed the lock screen on my phone.  I asked a few close trusted friends what they thought of when they imagined what the word "listen" looked like, then I painted that.  One day while I was talking to the Lord, I felt like He said, "ok, now listen".  When I stopped talking, I realized just how much I don't listen because my mind was racing everywhere.  I couldn't get my mind to shut up long enough to listen to anything; I did my best to continue to practice being quiet and just listening throughout the day, man that's tough.  

I'm not exactly sure when my heart made a switch but my prayers changed from just being focused on hearing words to... God, please help me listen.  I mean really listen to what people are saying.  I don't just want to hear the words that are coming out of their mouths; I want the really listen to what their hearts are saying.  This was a super pivotal moment for me.  I had already been putting effort toward having a more positive attitude.  I had let years of working retail/medical/customer service wear me down and I haven't been very positive in a long time.  But listening to peoples' hearts?  That's a whole other level.  That requires love.  More love than I have.  So, along with asking to listen.. I asked for the love too.  I prayed like this for a while, I don't remember how long, I just kept praying and just staying open.  One day we had a customer at the pharmacy that was semi-freaking out at one of our techs.  We all try to look out for each other, taking over where we can to avoid customer complaints, and sometimes it just takes a fresh face to resolve a situation.  So, I stepped in and started listening to what was going on and asking questions trying to figure out what the customer needed, at the same time trying to figure out the best way to help.  I tried explaining processes, I tried calming the customer down, I tried just responding to the immediate complaints, nothing was working to calm her down.  I was getting frustrated at this point because I couldn't get a straight answer of what this customer wanted me to do.  And that's when I heard it.... "Listen".  I almost cried at the still small voice.  I took a deep breath and focused on listening.  By the end, I had it, the customer was in the middle of a move.  They were super stressed out and couldn't handle the thought of one more thing going wrong while transferring from one state to another.  It sounds simple but just that change of really listening made all the difference, all of the worry about that moment just drained out of the customers face.  I had what I needed to not only do my job, but to give the customer what they needed to have a little bit of peace during a stressful time.  I was humbled because I don't know this person that I now have a little more love for than if I had never really listened.  I'd be lying though if I didn't tell you that afterward it hit me.... That.  Was.  Freaking.  Awesome.  It really worked!  Thank you Jesus!!  That entire situation would have gone down hill fast if it wasn't for Him.  And I got to be a part of it. Thank you so much, Jesus.

After that, I had a stronger passion and motivation to listen like that even more.  I'd say quiet prayers asking God to help me listen to peoples' hearts.  "Help me love, God, the way You do." "What are they really trying to say, God?"  It hasn't happened quite like it did that first time again, but I have faith and all I can do is hope that just being open and willing to love with His love has done work in peoples' lives.

The second time I recall really listening was at church while we were praying for our neighbors.  That was scary but good. I was doing my best to listen and pray what I felt like the Father wanted to say to my neighbor.  As much as I want to speak His word, it scares the crap out of me.  It's a heavy thing to speak for someone so holy.  That's something I just don't want to mess up.

I somehow managed to let my focus slip sometime after that.  I don't know why or when, just one day a few weeks ago, I got that nudge from the Holy Spirit reminding me of my decision to focus on one word.  So now it's fresh on my mind again.  Even if nothing else happens, I would definitely say this is one word that has changed my life.  I am a little different, I am changing.. During the course of all this I gradually stopped taking the anti-depressant I was on, I've been better able to handle the stress in my life.  You can't be touched by His love and remain the same.  I truly believe it's been the result of being willing to be a conduit of His love and consciously spending more time listening to Him and being open to listen to the hearts of those around me.  Now believe me when I say that I have failed spectacularly too.  I am just thankful that I can ask forgiveness and move on, holding on to the good things and setting my eyes on the ultimate goal.  Becoming more like my Father in heaven!

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." -Hebrews 12:1-2

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Hoop Coop

Building the coop for the chickens has taken us about 3 weekends.  It has turned out beautifully but, I am sure that we will be adding up-grades to it as we see the need for them.

So I am going to post how we did it.  Maybe you'll find it helpful for your backyard flock?  Or maybe you just like reading my blog (I'm honored).  Or possibly just look at the pictures?  In any case... here goes.

First we bought five 20ft 3/4 inch PVC pipes, (we had some PVC at home already for the door and roosting bars), fittings for attaching them to the ground, self-drilling screws, four rolls of plastic chicken netting, a tarp, two pieces of OSB board, various hinges and hooks.  Obviously, this is not a comprehensive list (comment below if you'd like one).

First we cut some of the 3/4 PVC (about 10 inches) to pound into the ground.  The 20ft PVC already had a place for the fitting on one end, so we only needed to put an attachment on one side of the 12x12 square we measured out.  Next we attached all of the 20ft PVC to each side of the square, this created the main structure for our Hoop Coop.  We attached four ribs for more stability, then attached the green plastic chicken fencing to the PVC with zip ties.  Next came the tarp over one end of the coop for protection from the rain and to provide some shade for our ladies.

Next came the door frame and the fencing on the front and the back of the coop.  We were able to move the chickens outside at this point, they were getting too big and adventurous for their brooder.  I found the brooder tipped over and the chickens frolicking about the sunroom one morning (fairly certain this was the main reason Steve got busy on making my coop).  The chicks seemed pretty comfy in their straw and heat lamp while we finished up the "penthouse".

The following weekend while I was at work, Steve put up the front and back walls to the penthouse.  He also made the doors.  When I got home I helped him install the floor, so I could put in the bedding, barn lime, and heat lamp so the ladies would be warm and cozy.  We went and bought some joist hangers so the perches in their penthouse could me easily removed for cleaning.  The ladies loved the perches we made for them.  Inside the penthouse we put in walls to separate their sleeping area from the egg laying area (we hope they use them as intended, we have a few months before we find out).

The Ladies enjoying their penthouse
We made a ramp out of a 2x6 and left over chicken plastic.  We stapled the plastic to the 2x6 to give them traction, we tried it without but the girls just slid right off (maybe it was fun?, looked like it might be) Fun or not, they needed to be able to get in the coop by themselves so on went the fencing.While Steve was working on the stuff I couldn't really help with, I took the left over 3/4 PVC we had and made some roosting bars for out in the run.  This was a bit of trial and error.  In theory it worked, but once the chickens jumped up on the bar they slipped right back off.  They didn't have enough grip on the PVC to stay put comfortably.  We decided that some rubberized spray paint would do the trick, unfortunately this also "slipped" right off the PVC.  I cleaned that all up with some paint thinner and used some 3M tread tape.  This is perfect so far.  They jumped right up and seem to especially like the top bar.  We bought a tiny swimming pool from Dollar General to fill with sand for their baths.  They also use this a lot.  So cute to see them lay down and throw sand up in the air to take a bath.

Feeder and Water Pipe
Steve noticed that the weight of the coop was bending in the PVC hoops of the outer structure.  As a solution to this and how to keep them fed for longer than a day (they really go through a lot of food).  Steve bought some large PVC pipes and elbows.  He drilled holes in the bottom and pushed it up under the coop.  So this has now become the water and feed area for them.  It's good for two reasons, 1. They can't poop on any of it from above and 2. It is mostly protected from weather.  Unless a really strong rain can come in horizontal like from the back and get past the trees on the fence line.  It's highly unlikely that we will get any spoiled food for weather related reasons.  Steve finished up the water pipe with nipples so they have clean water in ample supply.  Then the windows with screen and fencing (screen to keep out the bugs, fencing to keep out predators).

It didn't take long for the ladies to figure out how to get water from the nipples.  We just took the other water source out.

The Hoop Coop
I worked on the decorations.  Yes, it needed a sign!!  No, I am not obsessed.  Well,I don't think that I am anyway.  I am however, rather proud of my sign.  I struggled with what to name the coop.  I was thinking about keeping it simple and just calling it the Coop.  or Lane's Coop, or Coop Lane.

I ended up calling it the Hoop Coop because Steve was already calling it that when he described it to other people and because it really is a good description of what we built.   For the sign, I used a piece of wood left over from the inside wall of the coop (from when we made the doorway).  I kept it simple with white and black design.  Turned out just right!  Below the sign we attached a car cup holder, that holds a bottle of handsanitizer.

Rachel as a perch
We finished up on Mother's Day, so Steve bought me some flowers to plant at the front entrance to the coop that was just the perfect finishing touch.  My chickens have their own landscaping.  They are spoiled.
So that's it.  So far.  They are funny to watch as they chase bugs and each other.  They perch and preen all pretty.  I can't wait for eggs!!  This has been a good experience so far.  The kids have helped and like being around them, and caring from them has been really easy.  As a final touch, I am going to paint this quote above the doors

I want to live in a world where chickens can cross the world without their motives being questioned.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Mantequilla Por Favor

This is the obituary for my grandpa:

Raymond John Meyer, 85, of Fort Collins, passed away April 13, 2015 at Spring Creek Health Care.  He was born January 15, 1930 in Chambers, Nebraska to John and Emma (Thede) Meyer.  He was raised in Palmer, Nebraska and attended Zion Lutheran School in Worms, Nebraska. Raymond married Helen Mickelsen in 1949 in South Dakota.    
As a young man, Raymond farmed on his parent’s farm and worked at a dairy.  Raymond and Helen built the first bowling alley in St. Paul, Nebraska.  They were members of St. John’s Lutheran Church.   
Raymond enjoyed boating, fishing and golfing.  He even got a hole in one at the golf course in Wellton, Arizona.  Raymond and Helen were snowbirds, traveling to Wellton every winter for 12 years.  Raymond also liked to fly and at one time owned his own plane.
Raymond worked as an engineer for Dorsey McComb and was able to travel the world, providing for his wife and 7 children.  After his retirement, Raymond and Helen enjoyed traveling together. 
Raymond is survived by his wife Helen, daughters Diana and Dan Carlson of Ft. Collins, Judy and Jim Lay of North Carolina, Barbara and Larry Rowland of Tennessee, Bonita and Pete Vitt of Dacono; sons John and Patty Meyer of Brighton, Donald and Peggy Meyer of Johnstown and Gary and Betty Meyer of Northglenn; sisters Ada Pederson and Don Georing, Ann Meyer, Louise and Jack McIntyre, June Wadas and Dorothy and Larry Jones; 19 grandchildren and 42 great grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.  He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister; six grandchildren and one great grandson.  

Fishing in New Mexico
 I missed my grandpa long before he passed away.  Most of my extended family lives in Colorado and I am not able to see them as often as I would like.  It's different though knowing that I go home to Colorado, grandpa won't be there.  Grandpa had been in the nursing home for a while due to Alzheimer's.  I don't remember most of the stuff in his obituary.  I remember that my grandpa was smiling more than not.  Grandpa and Grandma recycled and let me help crush cans and take them to the recycling center.  I remember the red shag carpet that was in the basement where me and my cousins played lava monster.  Grandpa was the first to teach me completely useless Spanish phrases like "mantequilla por favor".  I have so many great childhood memories that center around my grandparents and the home that I remember them being in when I was young.  Some summers we would spend time with my grandparents at their lake house in Nebraska.  Grandpa would let me help with the garden, he taught me how to play horseshoes, how to shoot pool, and we fed the birds and scared the squirrels.  I am thankful for the memories filled with love and childhood wonder that I have of my grandpa, and I am thankful that he is no longer suffering.
Family Reunion 
 Life is so short when you think about it and we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  The older I get the more I realize that soaking up the now moments is important.  Participating in the moments and enjoying the people that are around us is the only way to really live life.  We tend to get caught up in the past or worry about the future and miss what is right in front of us.
Family Time in Gatlinberg

Love you grandpa.

How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?
                                  -Dr. Seuss

Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association in care of Stoddard Funeral Home, 3205 W 28th Street, Greeley, Colorado 80634.

Please visit to sign an online guestbook.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Little Ladies

We are raising backyard chickens!!!  Steve mentioned raising chickens in passing one day and I really gave it a lot of thought.  That would be pretty cool.  Fresh eggs, compost for the garden, nifty new pet that creates its own worth.

Then the obsession started.  I did about a week's worth of Internet research.  I found books on my Kindle to read about raising chickens.  What do they need, how do I get this started, what would be best with kids, what about the dogs...

Steve went and picked up some chicks at tractor supply and when I got home from class I got to set up the brooder and put the chicks in.  SO MUCH CUTENESS.

I had to give one of them a bath because she was having an issue with pasting up.  So cute. She hated it though.

I am way more excited about this than I should be.  It's not like I have a lot of extra time.  I know they won't stay all cute and little like they are right now.  I even started calling them "my little ladies".  This will definitely be a new adventure for me.  The kids are excited too.  They have been picking them up and petting them and helping me take care of the little chicks.  We got some great advise from a good friend that the chickens would be tamer if we raised them from chicks.  So here we are with little chicks in the house for at least 2 months, when we can then let them live in their coop full-time.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, But why it crossed, I've not been told! -Dr. Seuss-

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Babies, Volcanoes, and Jesus

Last year, all three of the girls told me that they had tried out for the P.E.A.K team.  PEAK is a youth missions team; PEAK stands for Putting Everything Aside for the King.  Rachel was the only one to make it on the team, she was so excited.

I wasn't quite prepared for the kind of commitment that it was going to take for Rachel to be a part of this team; she was though.  The kids go through months of preparation.  Several hours each week are spent as a group learning songs and dances, prayers and memorizing verses, so they are ready to minister to people.  They keep prayer journals and have accountability partners and learn to work as a team.  I saw Rachel grow so much in those months, but nothing was so good as seeing the change that came after the trip.  It was the first time that she had been away from home and parents for longer than a day or two.  She went to Guatemala and ministered to the people there.  I knew that she was fulfilled and her heart was overflowing with joy when I received the photo of her holding a baby.  Rachel LOVES babies.  She told me stories about how she and her team were able to play soccer with some kids, they were able to visit some of the beautiful country, and experience and see things that you just don't normally see in the US.  They even took a day to go zip lining over a forest and got a beautiful view of a volcano.

Rachel came home different.  She had seen how people live in a different part of the world.  She grew up a little bit.  She gained confidence and and a new perspective.  I am so proud of her and who she is growing up to be.

Now, this year, it is Alisa's turn.  Hannah and Rachel are too old for the P.E.A.K team, so Alisa is the only one that tried out this year.  I do not remember many times that Alisa has been so excited.  I had to stop her from telling everybody until the whole team was informed which members had made it.  It is a lot of commitment to make for a 10 year old girl.  Alisa is already so determined and I can't wait to see the kinds of changes that happen in her as she follows her heart to the orphanages of Haiti.

We need to raise some money to get Alisa to Haiti.  If you would like to help out, you can do so in several ways.

1. Visit her GoFundMe (page no longer active) page and make a donation!!!!
2. Share this blog.
3. Pray for Alisa and the members of the P.E.A.K. team

Thanks so much for your support and prayers.  Not only are you helping change the life of my little girl, but many lives of the children in the orphanages where she will be able to minister.

P.E.A.K Ambassadors

I BE as much like Christ as possible
I DO what Jesus would do
                                     I MUST because their life depends on it.