We have big dreams. Sometimes it looks like it is never going to happen, especially not on the timeline that we want it to. At least the way that I look at it, my husband is an eternal optimist, he is assured that ALL of our dreams will happen this year. (
Edit: By ALL.. I mean the land and house part)
I don't think we'll find trees like this in our area,
but you get the idea. |
We want to own at least 10 acres, 15 is preferable. I want chickens and goats (Steve wants a pig). I want to learn to can and preserve food (to enjoy our delicious garden treats year round). I want an apple tree, cherry tree and strawberries. I want bees, too. I want to be close enough to city that it isn't a forever drive yet far enough away that we can't see our neighbors (if we even have neighbors) or hear the cars going by. I want a tree lined drive and an adorable farm house. I want to make butter and yogurt and cheese with the goats milk. I eventually want to learn how to spin yarn from goat hair (mohair) to make yarn. I want my mom and dad to be able to live on this land with us. I want a path around the whole property to run/ ride on. I want more that I haven't even discovered yet.
I want this breed of goat (Nubian) |
My ideas just keep getting bigger as I find things to add to my farm house dream. I don't want to work anymore (I never thought I would ever be saying that, EVER). I want to be able to spend more time with the kids (they are almost grown). I want time to care for my animals. I will need time to make butter, cheese, yarn, pickles,...... I might even find time to clean, maybe. The only thing I don't want to do is garden. I'll leave that to Steve. I hate gardening, plants don't like me either. I do not have a green thumb, mine is black as in death to every plant I touch.
Curious chickens always look
like they are posing for a selfie |
Many times it all seems too big and out of reach. I am trying to focus on the steps that will get us there while still looking ahead so we know where we are headed. It's a frustrating balance. This is the beginning of the journey. I know it will have its challenges but I am looking forward to the end result: A healthy, happy, (mostly) self-sufficient life up ahead. Note: Not sure if we could ever live an "unplugged" life. Steve would never give up high-speed Internet. But, we want to get awfully close.
"You're off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so... get on your way!" -Dr. Seuss