1.an act of traveling from one place to another.
a long and often difficult process of personal change and development.
You should know that I am terrible with directions, Steve teases me about it all the time. I mean, I can figure it out as long as it's not high noon, but it takes me like 30 mins.
As I was driving home the other day, I was deep in thought and made the wrong turn. It took me 15 minutes longer to get to my destination because I turned on to the interstate by accident. I get distracted by my thoughts a lot more now, age I guess, Steve will have to keep a better eye on me so I don't get lost (either that or buy me a compass.. lol not that I would know how to use it). Maybe it's because I feel like I have more time to think now? Whatever the case, that isn't the point of this story.
I started thinking about our farm. We want to move onto land with nothing on it. A blank slate that we can plan out in which ever way we want. Specifically, I thought about documenting the process to getting settled. It made me wonder about this blog and wonder if I should change the name of it, or start a new one when we get the farm land. I thought of why I decided to go with "From Here to There" as the title to the assignment that my teacher gave me. Does it still fit what and who I am now? I honestly didn't think that I would like or continue doing this (I didn't know myself at all, obviously). I chose the name of the blog because I liked Dr. Seuss and I hoped that I could write about things in my life and the funny things that are everywhere. "From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere." A silly name for a blog? I shortened it and used Dr. Seuss quotes at the end of my assignments. Extra credit for creativity! I'm a shameless suck up, sometimes.
Little did I know, I would end up loving Dr. Seuss even more and could find a way for his quotes seem to fit almost any situation. I thought about my time as a college student. All I wanted was to get from here to there. I wanted to finish school. I wanted my life to have a different direction, if only just slightly. I wanted to prove to myself that I could graduate. I suppose I even wanted to mend past regrets, not that I wish my life were different, I genuinely love the way it all turned out. It took me 4 years to finish my degree, but I did it. As I thought about all of that, I smiled because the words 'from here to there' speak about a journey. A journey from where I was, where I am now to where I want to go, who I want to be, how I want to live and every change along the way.
This blog really is a snapshot into the journey that I've been on so far, and that is what it will continue to be. My apologies for not blogging more often. Also my apologies for being boring, we can't all be Anna Kendrick (She is my new favorite actress. I think she might like dinosaurs as much as I do, this is of course complete speculation on my part). I really am trying to form better writing habits. Anyhooo... I decided right then that 1. I had something to write about and 2. I'm keeping the name of my blog. "From Here to There" started as an assignment and changed into this: A peephole into my life and my journey. I am determined to enjoy the road to getting to the end of my story. And I don't know when I'll get There, but I'll let you know when I do. ;-)