It's been a little over a year since I wrote about our
BIG DREAMS. Obviously, that didn't happen last year. The dream is still alive and much closer than it was last year. We are working hard on growing our building business and getting the house ready to sale, so that we can move on to farm life. Last year, the dream seemed so unreachable. I never thought that we would find a place that would fulfill all the wishes I had and some that I didn't even know I would need.
I should have more faith. I've been praying for some time now that God would prepare the land we were meant to live on, that He would help us find it when the time was right. That happened! Maybe I am speaking too soon because there are at least two more things that need to happen before the land is ours. We are on the list to have a perk test done, and we need to have our loan/financing finished (which includes selling our current house... which means we have to finish remodeling it). Well okay, so more than two things need to happen.
I've also put some more thought into what I really want (what I really really want

): Eggs, Milk, Meat, and Wool. The wool is where I am struggling. I think I want to do Angora Rabbits for wool, less stinky? smaller animal? IDK. I am still putting some thought and research into that. I am also looking into how I can make our farm productive, or at least break even. We want to do this to be self sufficient. So I want to be able to make goat milk soaps, and angora (maybe) yarn, have a way to feed our family and know where the food came from. It's definitely going to be a lot of work but I am ready for it.
One step at a time we will see our plans and dreams become a reality