Business stuff today, was taking Steve to Nashville to do some work so the concrete workers could poor the driveway for the house that we are building. As a side note, Steve currently has the flu. He has a fever and is achy all over and feels horrible, yet he still worked. I am so thankful to be married to a man that will provide for his family no matter what. I am thankful that even though he feels bad, he is still taking care of us.

. If I can "see" it, it can happen I have been feeling that I need to change the way that I have been thinking lately. Usually, the Lord speaks to me through my own mouth... and more often than not it is when I am lecturing my kids about some life lesson. The power of thought has been a topic for the last few weeks.
This morning, I didn't specifically intend on focusing on such a vivid imagination, but when it hit me... I went with it. While I listened, not only was I blessed by the topic, I was also seeing what my future will look like. Soon, I will be able to walk out on my deck and watch a flourishing farm wake up. Since I was already in this mindset, I decided to take a spiritual walk around our 30 acres. I put on some exercise pants and took a mile long walk around the neighborhood while imagining the land and thanking God for His provision, for his blessing on the land, and for my faith. I asked God to help me in my unbelieving. I asked him to help me see past the obstacles and to help me see what he has prepared for us. I kept the images of the land in my mind, and I thought about all the plans that we have already made. I thought about where the house will go, where the barn will go and I thought about what daily life will look like when we are living on the land that God has prepared for us. I thought about Joshua imagining the promise land before he stepped foot on it. I thought about the Israelites walking around the walls of Jericho. I thought about how God always provides and how he cares for his kids.
I don't know when, I don't know how, but I do know that we will have a farm. I know that I have committed this dream to the Lord, and I know that God provides. So now, we work to do what we can do, we pray, and we wait, and we trust.