Monday, May 22, 2017

My Real Imaginary Farm Life

Today started out like most other Mondays.  I woke up at 6 am, then woke the kids to get ready for school.  I took a shower, then I constantly gave Elijah step by step instructions on what he should be doing instead of doing whatever it was that he was actually doing.  After taking the kids to their respective morning places to be, I came home to do business stuff.

Business stuff today, was taking Steve to Nashville to do some work so the concrete workers could poor the driveway for the house that we are building.  As a side note, Steve currently has the flu.  He has a fever and is achy all over and feels horrible, yet he still worked.  I am so thankful to be married to a man that will provide for his family no matter what.  I am thankful that even though he feels bad, he is still taking care of us.

We got back home, I cleaned up the table, put the sheets in the wash, and swept the floor.  I put my favorite podcast (Keeping up with the Jonses) in my earbuds, then for the first time ever I stepped out on to my porch and saw 30 acres of land that is ours. The feeling of the cool wood beneath my feet as I walked to my favorite sitting place.  I propped my feet up and took a deep breath of the remaining dew that clung to the grass.  The fresh smell of water and grass and the freshness of spring on the air washed over me.  I looked out over the land and was absolutely amazed at the peace.  The ducks were in the pond; swimming, diving, enjoying the morning.  The goats are playing on the pallet jungle we have made.  They are jumping from pallet to rock to grass, playing on the beautiful spring morning.  I can hear the chickens clucking away as the find bugs and seeds to snack on.  Our dog, Luna, is watching over everything.  In my minds eye, I could see and feel and smell all of this as I listened to Alyn and AJ talk about transformation this morning.

I saw a video that reminded me of a truth, that I haven't been living or even practiced for a long time.  What I think about, what I dwell on, who I am... that is what I draw to myself. And not only does what I think about affect, who I am... but I have the power to visualize my future and bring that to me as well
.  If I can "see" it, it can happen  I have been feeling that I need to change the way that I have been thinking lately.  Usually, the Lord speaks to me through my own mouth... and more often than not it is when I am lecturing my kids about some life lesson.  The power of thought has been a topic for the last few weeks.

This morning, I didn't specifically intend on focusing on such a vivid imagination, but when it hit me... I went with it.  While I listened, not only was I blessed by the topic, I was also seeing what my future will look like.  Soon, I will be able to walk out on my deck and watch a flourishing farm wake up.  Since I was already in this mindset, I decided to take a spiritual walk around our 30 acres.  I put on some exercise pants and took a mile long walk around the neighborhood while imagining the land and thanking God for His provision, for his blessing on the land, and for my faith.  I asked God to help me in my unbelieving.  I asked him to help me see past the obstacles and to help me see what he has prepared for us.  I kept the images of the land in my mind, and I thought about all the plans that we have already made.  I thought about where the house will go, where the barn will go and I thought about what daily life will look like when we are living on the land that God has prepared for us.  I thought about Joshua imagining the promise land before he stepped foot on it.  I thought about the Israelites walking around the walls of Jericho.  I thought about how God always provides and how he cares for his kids.

I don't know when, I don't know how, but I do know that we will have a farm.  I know that I have committed this dream to the Lord, and I know that God provides.  So now, we work to do what we can do, we pray, and we wait, and we trust.