Saturday, June 3, 2017


God says this, but I experienced that... Now what? Wrestle with God, I'm not going to change my theology... I insist that you help me change my experience. -paraphrased from Kris Volloton.

I scrolled across Kris Vollotton's blog this morning on Facebook, and I thought... wow, how timely is that.  I was just saying to Steve yesterday, how do I believe in faith and protect my heart at the same time?  Why is it that I feel with all my being that this land is supposed to be ours and yet we are having such a hard time achieving that goal?

I know that it doesn't address my faith question directly, but it did address something that I struggle with.  So often, I just let things go.  I know that what I am praying for is in the Father's will, yet when it doesn't happen.... I just let it go.  Maybe it wasn't time, maybe God wanted to take that person home to heaven, maybe they weren't ready to receive a healing, maybe I did something wrong?  I do this all the time and second guess what I know to be true about God's character.

Wrestling with God means that you fight for what is promised.  It means that you fight for what is right.  Abraham wrestled with God before his grandson did.  Remember the story of Sodom and Gomorrah?  Abraham continued to ask God to spare the righteous in those towns and to not burn them along with the wicked.  That is wrestling with God, too.

So, to me this was encouragement to keep praying and seeking.  I continue to see myself on that property with my farm and goats and making soap and spinning yarn.  I continue to pray that God will give us creative ideas and I keep taking the steps forward in faith getting ready for what I know will come.